Menu dines of company 2

Menú cena de empresa 2

Option number 2 of the menu of company

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Potatoes Bravas
Chocos To the Andalusian
Croquettes of the grandmother
Mussels to the sailor
I prick moruno on bread toasted

Second dish

Pizza to the taste
Entrecot Of beef to the iron with asparaguses trigueros and natural potato
Loin of cod to the cream of tender garlics

Flan With born home-made, pudin with born home-made, home-made Catalan cream, panacota home-made with sauce of strawberry,yogurt Greek with ice cream of Mandarin and crispy of cookie, honey and kill
Cakes varied and ice creams


Water, wine, bloodletting (1 by 4 people) or sodas

Price: 29,00 € - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat